When difficulties arise and true panic is there we are faced with a choice to have nothing but despair. To be a better person and rise above and to forgive those who we truly love. To forgive and forget is not a crutch but rather one of the most beautiful selfless acts one can touch. Love is not owed but yet earned but especially for those longing who have forever yearned. The world is tough and tough alone without the added pressures of being alone. So forgive and forget as much as you can as the impossible world seems to not be a fan . Help those and those in need but be the person you truly were meant to be. Stay true to yourself always, and never differ so regret doesn’t cause the sad outcome that’s quicker. Surround yourself with people you love, positivity will always prevail and come out above. The moral of the story is to be better than yourself and always do what’s right and always be true to yourself!
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